Using research to grow

Are we communicating the right brand position? Why aren’t customers buying more of our services? What’s the perception of our business in the minds of potential customers? Sometimes these questions can keep you up at night as you wonder about the impact they have on your potential business growth. Clarity and direction are great to have when it comes to developing and shaping your strategic plans for growth. But what if you don’t have the clarity you need to make informed decisions? That’s where research comes in.

Whether qualitative or quantitative, research will help identify where the gap of knowledge is—what you’re trying to answer. We start by looking at the Consumer Behavioral Model to help identify where the issues are. This is a typical sales cycle model that works for both business-to-consumer and business-to-business companies. All purchasing decisions go through this process. 

As a general rule, the earlier in the cycle (awareness/understanding) the more likely quantitative research is used, whereas further down the funnel qualitative research is often used. Qualitative research answers why consumers make decisions. It gets more in depth into the motives behind behavior and purchasing decisions. Quantitative is an unbiased statistical result that can be generalized beyond the sample group. It answers the “what.” Qualitative research goes deeper into a specific experience and answers the “why.”

Both are valuable to marketers and have their specific use. We tend to rely heavily on qualitative research. It helps us determine messages that deepen the relationship between our clients and their customers. In 2017 alone, we conducted over 30 focus groups to test marketing messages among different target audiences. The insights gathered have made our work stronger and more effective. We have been able to step into the minds of our clients’ consumers, and because of more effective communication, we have moved them further down the Consumer Behavioral Model—which translates into our ultimate goal, growth.